IB Online Tutoring
Top 2% tutors
15+ Countries
1000+ IB Classes
I have only started with the IB tutoring academy for two weeks, but I already feel that I've made solid improvements! The tutors start from basics and then slowly add more and more, ensuring that solid foundations are established.
Alghala Alsiddiqi - IBTA Student
The tutors at IB tutoring academy were tremendously flexible, well-equipped, and went well beyond my expectations to prepare me for my final IB exams. They are the perfect route to take for IB tutoring.
Gurshaan Chadna - IBTA Student
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Watch your child's confidence soar
Our 3 Step Process
What Happens Next
Once you've engaged with your tutor, IB Tutoring Academy has a method in place to guarantee the greatest results.
Meet your IB tutor whenever and wherever is easiest for you.
Your tutor will provide regular feedback on your progress. It's their job to identify gaps in your learning and facilitate improvement.
During your first session, you will discuss your learning objectives, areas of targeted support, and agree on a plan of action.
Your IB tutor will assist you in developing a strong study schedule that best suits your needs.
Get the support you need by discussing questions and challenges you have with your tutor.
As an IB Tutoring Academy student, you will be provided exclusive access to a variety of IB resources.